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Installing PyVib2The program can be installed either using the neutral Python distribution utilities (Distutils) or in a platform specific way. Independently on the choice, optional utilities are to be installed separately. They are required to produce animations of vibrations.Platform neutral way (Distutils)It implies a separate installation of all the required components. PyVib2 depends on Python 2.3+, Python Megawidgets 1.2+, NumPy 1.0+, VTK 4.4+ and matplotlib 0.87.3+. Once these dependencies are satisfied, the program itself can be installed with Distutils.
WindowsWindows users can download an archive, which contains all the required libraries so that no additional installations are required at all!!! The Windows executable was made with py2exe.
Mac OS X (starting from PyVib2 1.1)By analogy with Windows, an "all-in-one" universal binary (for PowerPC and x86 Intel) is available for Mac OS X. The binary was made with py2app.
DebianThe installation is performed with the Debian package manager (dpkg) :# dpkg --install pyvib2_1.0_all.debIf there are any unresolved dependencies, use apt-get to satify them : # apt-get update && apt-get -f install Optional utilitiesPyVib2 enables the user to produce animations of vibrations in the Animated GIF and FLI format. Windows user should read this.
To produce spectra in the PDF format the ps2pdf program must be installed. |