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Installing PyVib2

The program can be installed either using the neutral Python distribution utilities (Distutils) or in a platform specific way.

Independently on the choice, optional utilities are to be installed separately. They are required to produce animations of vibrations.

Platform neutral way (Distutils)

It implies a separate installation of all the required components. PyVib2 depends on Python 2.3+, Python Megawidgets 1.2+, NumPy 1.0+, VTK 4.4+ and matplotlib 0.87.3+. Once these dependencies are satisfied, the program itself can be installed with Distutils.

  1. Python Megawidgets 1.2+ - a library for a flexible GUI building, based on Tkinter.

    To test if the installation was successful, execute in a Python shell :
    >>> import Pmw
  2. NumPy 1.0+ - the fundamental package for scientific computing.

    To test if the installation was successful, execute in a Python shell :
    >>> import numpy
  3. VTK 4.4+ - Visualization ToolKit, a high-level 3D rendering library.

    Do not forget to install the Python bindings to VTK. To test if the installation was successful, execute in a Python shell :
    >>> import vtk
    >>> import
  4. Matplotlib 0.87.3+ - a 2D plotting library for producing publication quality figures.

    To test if the installation was successful, execute in a Python shell :
    >>> import matplotlib
  5. PyVib2 itself.
    • Unpack the installation archive :
      # tar xvfz pyvib2-1.0.tar.gz
    • Change to the installation directory :
      # cd pyvib2-1.0
    • Execute the setup script :
      # python install 


Windows users can download an archive, which contains all the required libraries so that no additional installations are required at all!!! The Windows executable was made with
  • Unpack with e.g. WinZip or WinRAR
  • Start pyvib2.exe from the pyvib2-1.0_win32 subdirectory

Mac OS X (starting from PyVib2 1.1)

By analogy with Windows, an "all-in-one" universal binary (for PowerPC and x86 Intel) is available for Mac OS X. The binary was made with
  • Unpack (by double clicking it in Finder)
  • Start from the pyvib2-1.1_mac subdirectory


The installation is performed with the Debian package manager (dpkg) :
# dpkg --install pyvib2_1.0_all.deb
If there are any unresolved dependencies, use apt-get to satify them :
# apt-get update && apt-get -f install

Optional utilities

PyVib2 enables the user to produce animations of vibrations in the Animated GIF and FLI format. Windows user should read this.

  1. Animated GIF
    • Netpbm - graphics tools and converters.
    • Gifsicle - a UNIX command-line tool for creating, editing, and getting information about GIF images and animations.
  2. FLI
    • ppm2fli - producing FLI animation files.

To produce spectra in the PDF format the ps2pdf program must be installed. Logo