| |
- __builtin__.object
- BaseWidget
- AxesSettingsWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- ButtonToolbar(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- GeometryMeasureToolbar
- ChooseColorWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- CorrelationResultsNoteBook(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwNoteBook.NoteBook)
- CorrelationResultsTable(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledText.ScrolledText)
- InfoWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- MoleculeRenderWidget(BaseWidget, vtk.tk.vtkTkRenderWidget.vtkTkRenderWidget)
- MoleculeThumbnailWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- NavigationToolbar(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- PropertiesWidget(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame)
- SplashScreen(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Toplevel)
- TwoDCircles(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Canvas)
- VibNavigationFrame(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- VibrationalToolbar(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame)
- VibrationalToolbarLight(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- WindowNavigationToolbar(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
- WizardWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame)
class AxesSettingsWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Widget for setting properties of axes.
The following readable and writable properties are exposed
limits_auto -- whether the limits are to be set automatically (*)
from_ -- upper range of the y axis (*)
to_ -- lower range of the y axis (*)
multfactor -- order of magnitude for y values (*)
ticks_number -- number of ticks(*)
ticks_scaling_factor -- scaling factor (*)
linewidth -- line width
linecolor -- line color
The following read-only properties are exposed :
ticks_option -- how to render ticks (*)
ticks_auto -- whether the ticks are rendered automatically (*)
Properties marked with an asterisk (*) are exposed if the add_limits argument
of the constructor was set to True. |
- Method resolution order:
- AxesSettingsWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
add_limits -- whether to add the controls for the y values
(default True)
add_invert -- whether to add a checkbox for inverting y values
(default False)
buttons_to_validate -- list of buttons to block if the user
input is invalid (default None)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- LIST_PROPERTIES = ('limits_auto', 'from_', 'to_', 'multfactor', 'ticks_option', 'ticks_auto', 'ticks_number', 'ticks_scaling_factor', 'linewidth', 'linecolor', 'invert')
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class BaseWidget(__builtin__.object) |
Base class for all widgets.
This class defines a set of protected methods which are called in the
constructor in the following sequence :
_init_vars() -- initialize some variables
_constructGUI() -- construct the GUI of the widget
_declare_properties() -- declare properties of the widget
_bind_help() -- bind help messages to the GUI components
_bind_events() -- bind events
These methods are intended to be overridden in subclasses. The base class
implementations do *nothing*.
The following protected instance variables are created :
_smartdict -- to store options (pyviblib.util.misc.SmartDict)
_varsdict -- to store GUI variables (dictionary)
_balloon -- to provide help message on the GUI (Pmw.Balloon) |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Keywords arguments are options of the widget.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class ButtonToolbar(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Button toolbar.
The widget is based on Tkinter.Frame.
The following public methods are exported :
add_button() -- add a button
add_separator() -- add a separator |
- Method resolution order:
- ButtonToolbar
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
style -- style of the toolbar
0 : raised with a thin border
1 : flat without any border
(default 0)
horizontal -- whether the toolbar is horizontal (default True)
button_pad -- padding for the buttons being added (default 3)
- add_button(self, **kw)
- Add a button.
The methods accepts the keyword arguments for Tkinter.Button.
Keyword arguments (specific for this method):
helptext -- help message which is shown if the mouse is over the button
(default None)
imagename -- name of the image resource
either the imagename or image argument must be supplied
Return the reference to the button created.
- add_separator(self)
- Add a separator.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class ChooseColorWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Widget for choosing a color.
Consists of a label with a description and a button for changing the color.
The following readable and writable property is exposed :
color -- color in the HTML format |
- Method resolution order:
- ChooseColorWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
text -- description (default '')
initialcolor -- initial color of the button (default default)
sticky -- sticky option for the button (default 'w')
label_width -- width of the label (default length of the text)
button_width -- width of the button (default 7)
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class CorrelationResultsNoteBook(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwNoteBook.NoteBook) |
Widget for representing results of a correlation of vibrational motions.
The widget is based on Pmw.NoteBook.
The following read-only properties are exposed :
table -- table with the text, see CorrelationResultsTable
circles_frame -- frame with the circles
The following public methods are exported :
update_contents() -- update the contents of the widget
show_A4() -- switch to the A4 representation of circles |
- Method resolution order:
- CorrelationResultsNoteBook
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwNoteBook.NoteBook
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, matrix, freqs_ref, freqs_tr, include_tr_rot, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
matrix -- matrix (one-based ndarray)
freqs_ref -- wavenumbers of the reference molecule
(one-based ndarray)
freqs_tr -- wavenumbers of the trial molecule
(one-based ndarray)
include_tr_rot -- whether translations / rotations are present
in the table
Keyword arguments :
dblclick_callback -- called on a double clicke on an element (default None)
function of 2 arguments : ref_no and tr_no
msgBar -- message bar (default None)
- show_A4(self, scale_factor=1.0, show_tr_rot=False, nrot_ref=0, nrot_tr=0)
- Switch to the A4 representation of the circles.
Keyword arguments :
scale_factor -- number for scaling the canvas size (default 1.)
show_tr_rot -- whether to show translations/rotations (default False)
nrot_ref -- number of rotations in the reference molecule (default 0)
nrot_tr -- number of rotations in the trial molecule (default 0)
- update_contents(self, ref_from, ref_to, tr_from, tr_to, precision, show_tr_rot, nrot_ref, nrot_tr, mark=False, threshold_marked=0.0)
- Update the contents of the table and circles.
Positional arguments :
ref_from -- start vibration number of the reference molecule
ref_to -- end vibration number of the reference molecule
tr_from -- start vibration number of the trial molecule
tr_to -- end vibration number of the reference molecule
precision -- number of decimal points to show
show_tr_rot -- whether translations/rotations are to be shown
nrot_ref -- number of rotations in the reference molecule
nrot_tr -- number of rotations in the trial molecule
Keyword arguments :
mark -- whether to mark elements exceeding a threshold
supplied by the threshold_marked argument
(default False)
threshold_marked -- threshold for marking elements (default 0.)
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwNoteBook.NoteBook:
- add(self, pageName, **kw)
- addtag(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_above(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_all(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_below(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_closest(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_enclosed(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_overlapping(this, *args, **kw)
- addtag_withtag(this, *args, **kw)
- after(this, *args, **kw)
- after_cancel(this, *args, **kw)
- after_idle(this, *args, **kw)
- bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- bell(this, *args, **kw)
- bind(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- bindtags(this, *args, **kw)
- canvasx(this, *args, **kw)
- canvasy(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_append(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- colormodel(this, *args, **kw)
- columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- config(this, *args, **kw)
- coords(this, *args, **kw)
- create_arc(this, *args, **kw)
- create_bitmap(this, *args, **kw)
- create_image(this, *args, **kw)
- create_line(this, *args, **kw)
- create_oval(this, *args, **kw)
- create_polygon(this, *args, **kw)
- create_rectangle(this, *args, **kw)
- create_text(this, *args, **kw)
- create_window(this, *args, **kw)
- dchars(this, *args, **kw)
- delete(self, *pageNames)
- deletecommand(this, *args, **kw)
- dtag(this, *args, **kw)
- event_add(this, *args, **kw)
- event_delete(this, *args, **kw)
- event_generate(this, *args, **kw)
- event_info(this, *args, **kw)
- find(this, *args, **kw)
- find_above(this, *args, **kw)
- find_all(this, *args, **kw)
- find_below(this, *args, **kw)
- find_closest(this, *args, **kw)
- find_enclosed(this, *args, **kw)
- find_overlapping(this, *args, **kw)
- find_withtag(this, *args, **kw)
- focus(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_displayof(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_force(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_get(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_lastfor(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_set(this, *args, **kw)
- forget(this, *args, **kw)
- getboolean(this, *args, **kw)
- getcurselection(self)
- gettags(this, *args, **kw)
- getvar(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_current(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_release(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set_global(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_status(this, *args, **kw)
- grid(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_info(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_location(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_remove(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_size(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- icursor(this, *args, **kw)
- image_names(this, *args, **kw)
- image_types(this, *args, **kw)
- index(self, index, forInsert=0)
- info(this, *args, **kw)
- insert(self, pageName, before=0, **kw)
- itemcget(this, *args, **kw)
- itemconfig(this, *args, **kw)
- itemconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- keys(this, *args, **kw)
- lift(this, *args, **kw)
- lower(this, *args, **kw)
- mainloop(this, *args, **kw)
- move(this, *args, **kw)
- nametowidget(this, *args, **kw)
- nextpage(self, pageIndex=None)
- option_add(this, *args, **kw)
- option_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- option_get(this, *args, **kw)
- option_readfile(this, *args, **kw)
- pack(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_info(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- page(self, pageIndex)
- pagenames(self)
- place(this, *args, **kw)
- place_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- place_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- place_info(this, *args, **kw)
- place_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- postscript(this, *args, **kw)
- previouspage(self, pageIndex=None)
- propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- quit(this, *args, **kw)
- recolorborders(self)
- register(this, *args, **kw)
- rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- scale(this, *args, **kw)
- scan_dragto(this, *args, **kw)
- scan_mark(this, *args, **kw)
- select_adjust(this, *args, **kw)
- select_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- select_from(this, *args, **kw)
- select_item(this, *args, **kw)
- select_to(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_get(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_handle(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own_get(this, *args, **kw)
- selectpage(self, page)
- send(this, *args, **kw)
- setnaturalsize(self, pageNames=None)
- setvar(this, *args, **kw)
- size(this, *args, **kw)
- slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- tab(self, pageIndex)
- tag_bind(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_lower(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_raise(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_unbind(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_bisque(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusNext(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusPrev(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_menuBar(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_setPalette(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_strictMotif(this, *args, **kw)
- tkraise(this, *args, **kw)
- type(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- update(this, *args, **kw)
- update_idletasks(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_variable(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_visibility(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_window(this, *args, **kw)
- waitvar(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atom(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atomname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_cells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_children(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_class(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_colormapfull(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_containing(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_depth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_exists(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_fpixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_geometry(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_height(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_id(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_interps(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_ismapped(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_manager(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_name(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_parent(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pathname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerxy(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointery(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rgb(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screen(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screencells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screendepth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenvisual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_server(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_toplevel(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_viewable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualid(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualsavailable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_width(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_x(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_y(this, *args, **kw)
- xview(this, *args, **kw)
- xview_moveto(this, *args, **kw)
- xview_scroll(this, *args, **kw)
- yview(this, *args, **kw)
- yview_moveto(this, *args, **kw)
- yview_scroll(this, *args, **kw)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, option)
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- addoptions(self, optionDefs)
- cget(self, option)
- component(self, name)
- componentaliases(self)
- componentgroup(self, name)
- components(self)
- configure(self, option=None, **kw)
- createcomponent(self, componentName, componentAliases, componentGroup, widgetClass, *widgetArgs, **kw)
- createlabel(self, parent, childCols=1, childRows=1)
- defineoptions(self, keywords, optionDefs, dynamicGroups=())
- destroy(self)
- destroycomponent(self, name)
- hulldestroyed(self)
- initialiseoptions(self, dummy=None)
- interior(self)
- isinitoption(self, option)
- options(self)
class CorrelationResultsTable(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledText.ScrolledText) |
Table for representing matrices e.g. overlaps or similarities.
The widget is based on Pmw.ScrolledText.
The following read-only properties are exposed :
csv -- contents in the CSV format
data -- contents as a matrix
labels -- labels as a dictionary
The following public methods are exported :
update_table() -- update the table
ij_to_vibno() -- convert rows and columns to vibration numbers
vibno_to_ij() -- convert vibration numbers to rows and columns |
- Method resolution order:
- CorrelationResultsTable
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledText.ScrolledText
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, matrix, freqs_ref, freqs_tr, include_tr_rot, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
matrix -- matrix to show (one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + NFreq_ref, 1 + NFreq_tr)
freqs_ref -- wavenumbers of the reference molecule
(one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + NFreq_ref, )
freqs_tr -- wavenumbers of the trial molecule
(one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + NFreq_tr, )
include_tr_rot -- whether translations/rotations are in the matrix
Keyword keywords :
dblclick_callback -- called when double clicked on an element
(default None)
if supplied, must accept 2 arguments :
ref_no and tr_no
msgBar -- message bar (Pmw.MessageBar, default None)
- ij_to_vibno(self, i, j)
- Get the numbers of vibrations.
Positional arguments :
i -- row number
j -- column number
Return (ref_index, tr_index). Negative indices correspond to
- update_table(self, ref_from, ref_to, tr_from, tr_to, precision, show_tr_rot, nrot_ref, nrot_tr, mark=False, threshold_marked=0.0)
- Update the contents of the table.
Positional arguments :
ref_from -- start vibration number of the reference molecule
ref_to -- end vibration number of the reference molecule
tr_from -- start vibration number of the trial molecule
tr_to -- end vibration number of the reference molecule
precision -- number of decimal points to show
show_tr_rot -- whether translations/rotations are to be shown
nrot_ref -- number of rotations in the reference molecule
nrot_tr -- number of rotations in the trial molecule
Keyword arguments :
mark -- whether to mark elements exceeding a threshold
supplied by the threshold_marked argument
(default False)
threshold_marked -- threshold for marking elements (default 0.)
- vibno_to_ij(self, ref_index, tr_index)
- Get the number of the row and column.
Positional arguments :
ref_index -- vibration number of the reference molecule
tr_index -- vibration number of the trial molecule
Opposite destination to ij_to_vibno().
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledText.ScrolledText:
- appendtext(self, text)
- bbox(self, index)
- # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid
# (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid.
- clear(self)
- compare(this, *args, **kw)
- debug(this, *args, **kw)
- delete(this, *args, **kw)
- destroy(self)
- dlineinfo(this, *args, **kw)
- dump(this, *args, **kw)
- edit(this, *args, **kw)
- edit_modified(this, *args, **kw)
- edit_redo(this, *args, **kw)
- edit_reset(this, *args, **kw)
- edit_separator(this, *args, **kw)
- edit_undo(this, *args, **kw)
- exportfile(self, fileName)
- get(self, first=None, last=None)
- # Override Tkinter.Text get method, so that if it is called with
# no arguments, return all text (consistent with other widgets).
- getvalue(self)
- image_cget(this, *args, **kw)
- image_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- image_create(this, *args, **kw)
- importfile(self, fileName, where='end')
- index(this, *args, **kw)
- insert(this, *args, **kw)
- mark_gravity(this, *args, **kw)
- mark_names(this, *args, **kw)
- mark_next(this, *args, **kw)
- mark_previous(this, *args, **kw)
- mark_set(this, *args, **kw)
- mark_unset(this, *args, **kw)
- scan_dragto(this, *args, **kw)
- scan_mark(this, *args, **kw)
- search(this, *args, **kw)
- see(this, *args, **kw)
- settext(self, text)
- setvalue(self, text)
- tag_add(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_bind(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_cget(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_config(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_delete(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_lower(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_names(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_nextrange(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_prevrange(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_raise(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_ranges(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_remove(this, *args, **kw)
- tag_unbind(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_textBackspace(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_textIndexCloser(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_textResetAnchor(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_textSelectTo(this, *args, **kw)
- window_cget(this, *args, **kw)
- window_config(this, *args, **kw)
- window_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- window_create(this, *args, **kw)
- window_names(this, *args, **kw)
- xview(this, *args, **kw)
- xview_moveto(this, *args, **kw)
- xview_scroll(this, *args, **kw)
- yview(this, *args, **kw)
- yview_moveto(this, *args, **kw)
- yview_pickplace(this, *args, **kw)
- yview_scroll(this, *args, **kw)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget:
- after(this, *args, **kw)
- after_cancel(this, *args, **kw)
- after_idle(this, *args, **kw)
- bell(this, *args, **kw)
- bind(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- bindtags(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_append(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- colormodel(this, *args, **kw)
- columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- config(this, *args, **kw)
- deletecommand(this, *args, **kw)
- event_add(this, *args, **kw)
- event_delete(this, *args, **kw)
- event_generate(this, *args, **kw)
- event_info(this, *args, **kw)
- focus(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_displayof(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_force(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_get(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_lastfor(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_set(this, *args, **kw)
- forget(this, *args, **kw)
- getboolean(this, *args, **kw)
- getvar(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_current(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_release(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set_global(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_status(this, *args, **kw)
- grid(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_info(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_location(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_remove(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_size(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- image_names(this, *args, **kw)
- image_types(this, *args, **kw)
- info(this, *args, **kw)
- keys(this, *args, **kw)
- lift(this, *args, **kw)
- lower(this, *args, **kw)
- mainloop(this, *args, **kw)
- nametowidget(this, *args, **kw)
- option_add(this, *args, **kw)
- option_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- option_get(this, *args, **kw)
- option_readfile(this, *args, **kw)
- pack(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_info(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- place(this, *args, **kw)
- place_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- place_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- place_info(this, *args, **kw)
- place_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- quit(this, *args, **kw)
- register(this, *args, **kw)
- rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_get(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_handle(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own_get(this, *args, **kw)
- send(this, *args, **kw)
- setvar(this, *args, **kw)
- size(this, *args, **kw)
- slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_bisque(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusNext(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusPrev(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_menuBar(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_setPalette(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_strictMotif(this, *args, **kw)
- tkraise(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- update(this, *args, **kw)
- update_idletasks(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_variable(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_visibility(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_window(this, *args, **kw)
- waitvar(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atom(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atomname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_cells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_children(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_class(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_colormapfull(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_containing(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_depth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_exists(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_fpixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_geometry(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_height(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_id(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_interps(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_ismapped(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_manager(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_name(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_parent(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pathname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerxy(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointery(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rgb(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screen(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screencells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screendepth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenvisual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_server(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_toplevel(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_viewable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualid(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualsavailable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_width(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_x(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_y(this, *args, **kw)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, option)
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- addoptions(self, optionDefs)
- cget(self, option)
- component(self, name)
- componentaliases(self)
- componentgroup(self, name)
- components(self)
- configure(self, option=None, **kw)
- createcomponent(self, componentName, componentAliases, componentGroup, widgetClass, *widgetArgs, **kw)
- createlabel(self, parent, childCols=1, childRows=1)
- defineoptions(self, keywords, optionDefs, dynamicGroups=())
- destroycomponent(self, name)
- hulldestroyed(self)
- initialiseoptions(self, dummy=None)
- interior(self)
- isinitoption(self, option)
- options(self)
class GeometryMeasureToolbar(ButtonToolbar) |
Toolbar for measuring distances, angles and dihedral angles.
The following readable and writable property is exposed :
resolution -- resolution of the connected render widget |
- Method resolution order:
- GeometryMeasureToolbar
- ButtonToolbar
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, renderWidget, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
widget -- render widget to connect to
Keyword arguments :
horizontal -- whether the toolbar is horizontal (default False)
Methods inherited from ButtonToolbar:
- add_button(self, **kw)
- Add a button.
The methods accepts the keyword arguments for Tkinter.Button.
Keyword arguments (specific for this method):
helptext -- help message which is shown if the mouse is over the button
(default None)
imagename -- name of the image resource
either the imagename or image argument must be supplied
Return the reference to the button created.
- add_separator(self)
- Add a separator.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class InfoWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Widget for providing a help text. |
- Method resolution order:
- InfoWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
text -- text to be shown (default '')
height -- number of rows in the widget (default 4)
icon -- whether to render the icon to the left of the text (default True)
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class MoleculeRenderWidget(BaseWidget, vtk.tk.vtkTkRenderWidget.vtkTkRenderWidget) |
Widget for 3D rendering.
The class inherits from vtkTkRenderWidget and overrides the mouse button
The following readable and writable properties are exposed :
molecule -- molecule (pyviblib.molecule.Molecule)
molecule_mode -- molecule rendering mode
bonds_mode -- bonds rendering mode
color_sphere_1 -- used for rendering vibrational motion
color_sphere_2 -- used for rendering vibrational motion
color_picked_atom -- color of picked atoms
marked_vib_atoms -- mark vibrational motion of these atoms
mark_fragment -- whether to mark v/m on marked_vib_atoms
show_marked_only -- whether to show v/m motion only on fragment
do_picking -- whether the picking of atoms is allowed
do_render_picked -- whether picked atoms are to be rendered
do_sync_rotation -- whether the synchronized rotation is on
do_sync_zoom -- whether the synchronized zooming is om
clicked_atom_callback -- called when an atom has been clicked
clicked_bond_callback -- called when a bond has been clicked
clicked_vibatom_callback -- called when an v/m atom has been clicked
background -- background of the widget
perspective_projection -- whether the perspective projection is used
resolution -- resolution
camera -- camera installed in the widget
camera_state -- state of the camera currenly installed
The following read-only properties are exposed :
picked_atoms_indices -- list of picked atoms
Npicked -- number of picked atoms
renderer -- renderer (vtk.vtkRenderer)
The following public methods are exported :
cleanup() -- remove all actor from the widget
render_molecule() -- render the molecule
render_vibration() -- render a vibration
render_triangle() -- render a triangle
render_scalars() -- render scalar values e.g. ACPs
render_gcp() -- render group coupling matrices (GCPs)
rotate() -- rotate the molecule
zoom() -- zoom in/out
start_pairs_picking() -- start a subsequent selection of atom pairs
end_pairs_picking() -- end a subsequent selection of atom pairs
depick_atoms() -- unpick atoms
highlight_picked_atoms() -- highlight picked atoms
remove_triangles() -- remove triangles
synchronize_camera_state() -- specify a render widget for sync operations
get_node() -- get a certain node in the widget
snapshot() -- make a snapshot of the 3D window
create_animation_frames() -- create frames for animating vibration |
- Method resolution order:
- MoleculeRenderWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- vtk.tk.vtkTkRenderWidget.vtkTkRenderWidget
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keywords arguments :
molecule -- molecule
(pyviblib.molecule.Molecule, default None)
vib_toolbar -- vibrational toolbar
default None)
used for retrieving properties of vibrations
msgBar -- message bar (Pmw.MessageBar, default None)
molecule_mode -- render the molecule in the ball & stick, stick or
van der Waals radii representation
one of (resources.NUM_MODE_BALLSTICK,
(default resources.NUM_MODE_BALLSTICK)
bonds_mode -- render a bond in the molecule as a cylinder
or two cylinders
(default resources.NUM_MODE_BONDS_ATOMS_COLOR)
resolution -- resolution (default resources.NUM_RESOLUTION_VTK)
background -- background color in the HTML format
(default resources.COLOR_MOLECULE_WINDOW_BG)
hydrogen_bond -- whether hydrogen bonds are to be rendered
(default True)
atom_labels -- whether atom labels are to be rendered
(default False)
color_sphere_1 -- color of the first hemisphere in the sphere mode
representation of vibrational motion
(default resources.COLOR_VIB_HEMISPHERE_1)
color_sphere_2 -- color of the first hemisphere in the sphere mode
representation of vibrational motion
(default resources.COLOR_VIB_HEMISPHERE_2)
bonds_transparency -- transparency level of the bonds (default 0.)
a value between 0. (completely opaque) and 1.
(completely transparent)
color_picked_atom -- color of picked atoms in the HTML format
(default resources.COLOR_PICKED_ATOM)
invert_phase -- whether the phase of vibrations is to be inverted
mark_fragment -- whether to mark the vibrational motion of a fragment
defined by the marked_vib_atoms property
(default False)
show_marked_only -- whether to show vibrational motion only on a fragment
defined by the marked_vib_atoms property
(default False)
do_picking -- whether picking of atoms is allowed (default False)
do_render_picked -- whether picked atoms are to be rendered
(default True)
do_sync_rotation -- whether the synchronized rotation is to be enabled
the second render widget must be supplied for this to
see synchronize_camera_state()
(default False)
do_sync_zoom -- whether the synchronized zooming is to be enabled
the second render widget must be supplied for this to
see synchronize_camera_state()
(default False)
- cleanup(self)
- Clean up the widget by removing all its actors.
- create_animation_frames(self, Lx, scale_factor, nFrames, resolution=10, format='ppm', transparent_bg=False)
- Create a series of files for animation of a vibration.
The function does not compile the result images to the animation.
It produces the files and returns the name of file with a list
of the created frames.
The files will be stored in a temporaral directory.
Positional arguments :
Lx -- cartesian excursion of the vibration (one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + Natoms, 4) with Natoms being the number of
scale_factor -- numeric factor with which the radii of the spheres are
nFrames -- number of frame pro direction
Keyword arguments :
resolution -- resolution (default 10)
format -- image format
one of ('jpeg', 'tiff', 'png', 'eps', 'ppm', 'gif')
(default 'ppm')
if 'gif' is supplied, then the ppmtogif utility from the
Netpbm package should be installed
See http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/
transparent_bg -- whether the background should be made transparent
(default False)
- depick_atoms(self, atom_index_list=None)
- Deselect the picked atoms.
Keyword arguments :
atom_index_list -- list of 0-based indices of *PICKED* atoms
these are NOT indices of atoms to be unpicked !!!
If None, use all the *PICKED* atoms
If the only element in the list is -1 -> depick the last picked atom.
- end_pairs_picking(self)
- End the synchronous picking of atoms started with start_pairs_picking().
- get_node(self, category, index)
- Get a node.
Positional arguments :
category -- type of the node
one of ('atoms', 'bonds', 'vibatoms', 'atom_labels')
index -- index of the node (null-based)
Return None unless argument are valid or nothing is found.
- highlight_picked_atoms(self, atom_index_list, highlight=True)
- Highlight/unhighlight the picked atoms.
Nothing is done the atom list is not supplied.
Positional arguments :
atom_index_list -- atom indices (null-based ndarray)
indices are null-based
Keyword arguments :
highlight -- whether to highlight (default True)
- pick_atoms(self, atom_index_list=None)
- Pick given atoms.
If the atom list is not supplied, all the atoms are picked.
Positional arguments :
atom_index_list -- atom indices (null-based ndarray)
indices are null-based
- remove_triangles(self)
- Remove the triangles.
- render_gcp(self, acp, groups, scale_factor=1.0)
- Render group contribution patterns (GCPs).
The contributions are placed in center of gravities of the groups.
Positional arguments :
acp -- atomic contribution patterns (one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + Ngr,) with Ngr being the number of groups
groups -- groups (null-based list)
atom numbers are one-based
example : [[1, 4], [2, 7]]
Keyword arguments :
scale_factor -- numeric factor with which the radii of the spheres are
(default 1.)
- render_molecule(self, **kw)
- Render the molecule.
Keywords arguments :
resolution -- resolution (default resources.NUM_RESOLUTION_VTK)
molecule_mode -- render the molecule in the ball & stick, stick or
van der Waals radii representation
one of (resources.NUM_MODE_BALLSTICK,
bonds_mode -- render a bond in the molecule as a cylinder
or two cylinders
(default resources.NUM_MODE_BONDS_ATOMS_COLOR)
color_picked_atom -- color of picked atoms in the HTML format
(default resources.COLOR_PICKED_ATOM)
rounded_bond -- whether the bonds are to be rendered rounded
(default False)
hydrogen_bond -- whether hydrogen bonds are to be rendered
(default True)
atom_labels -- whether atom labels are to be rendered
(default False)
- render_scalars(self, scalars, scale_factor=1.0)
- Render scalar values on the atoms such as e.g. ACPs.
Position arguments :
scalars -- values to be rendered (one-based array)
shape : (1 + Natoms) with Natoms being the number of atoms
in the molecule
Keyword arguments :
scale_factor -- numeric factor with which the radii of the spheres are
(default 1.)
- render_triangle(self, i1, i2, i3, **kw)
- Render a triangle.
Positional arguments :
i1, i2, i3 -- coordinates of the vertices (one-based ndarray)
shape : (4,)
Keyword arguments :
see pyviblib.gui.rendering.BaseNode
- render_vibration(self, **kw)
- Render a vibration.
Keyword arguments :
vib_no -- number of the vibration
*must* be supplied if vib_toolbar is None
resolution -- resolution (default resources.NUM_RESOLUTION_VTK)
mode -- sphere, arrow representation or animation
one of
*must* be supplied if vib_toolbar is None
rep_type -- cartesian or mass-weighted excursions
one of (resources.STRING_VIB_ENERGY,
*must* be supplied if vib_toolbar is None
rep_subtype -- representation subtype
*must* be supplied if vib_toolbar is None
scale_factor -- multiply factor for the amplitude of vibrational motion
*must* be supplied if vib_toolbar is None
invert_phase -- whether the phase of the vibration is to be inverted
*must* be supplied if vib_toolbar is None
color_sphere_1 -- color of the first hemisphere in the sphere mode, i.e.
(default resources.COLOR_VIB_HEMISPHERE_1)
color_sphere_2 -- color of the first hemisphere in the sphere mode, i.e.
(default resources.COLOR_VIB_HEMISPHERE_2)
- rotate(self, euler_azimuth=0.0, euler_elevation=0.0, euler_roll=0.0)
- Rotate the active camera at given Euler angles.
Keyword arguments :
euler_azimuth -- angle of rotation about the view up vector
centered at the focal point of the camera
(default 0.)
euler_elevation -- angle of rotation about the cross product of the
direction of projection and the view up vector
centered on the focal point
(default 0.)
euler_roll -- angle of rotation about the direction of projection
of the camera
(default 0.)
The rotation does *not* affect the synchronized widget.
- snapshot(self, filename, format='tiff', magnification=1, resolution=None)
- Make a snapshot of the 3D render window.
Positional arguments :
filename -- file name of the snapshot
Keyword arguments :
format -- image format
one of ('jpeg', 'tiff', 'png', 'eps', 'ppm')
(default 'tiff')
magnification -- integer magnification factor for the 3D render window
(default 1)
resolution -- resolution (default None)
if None, use the current resolution
- start_pairs_picking(self, pairs, callback)
- Start a synchronous picking of atoms in two render widgets.
Positional arguments :
pairs -- reference to the picked atom pairs
callback -- callable function which accepts one argument being the
the widget
- synchronize_camera_state(self, sync_widget)
- Set a render widget for synchronous rotation/zooming.
By default the rotation and zooming are synchronized.
Consider the do_sync_rotation and do_sync_zoom properties to control the
synchronized behaviour.
Positional arguments :
sync_widget -- the render widget
can be None
- zoom(self, zoomFactor)
- Zoom in/out.
Positional arguments :
zoomFactor -- the height of the viewport in world-coordinate distances.
Note that this factor works as an "inverse scale" i.e.
larger numbers produce smaller images.
This factor has no meaning in perspective projection mode.
The zooming does *not* affect the synchronized widget.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from vtk.tk.vtkTkRenderWidget.vtkTkRenderWidget:
- BindTkRenderWidget(self)
- Bind some default actions.
- EndMotion(self, x, y)
- Enter(self, x, y)
- Expose(self)
- GetCurrentRenderer(self)
- GetDesiredUpdateRate(self)
- Mirrors the method with the same name in
- GetPicker(self)
- GetRenderWindow(self)
- GetStillUpdateRate(self)
- Mirrors the method with the same name in
- GetZoomFactor(self)
- Leave(self, x, y)
- Pan(self, x, y)
- PickActor(self, x, y)
- Render(self)
- Reset(self, x, y)
- Rotate(self, x, y)
- SetDesiredUpdateRate(self, rate)
- Mirrors the method with the same name in
- SetStillUpdateRate(self, rate)
- Mirrors the method with the same name in
- StartMotion(self, x, y)
- Surface(self)
- UpdateRenderer(self, x, y)
- UpdateRenderer will identify the renderer under the mouse and set
up _CurrentRenderer, _CurrentCamera, and _CurrentLight.
- Wireframe(self)
- Zoom(self, x, y)
- __getattr__(self, attr)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class MoleculeThumbnailWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Small frame for viewing a molecule.
The widget is made up of a Molecule menu at the top, a 3D render widget
and a check box. The contents of the menu reflects the data which
the molecule possesses.
The following readable and writable property is exposed :
checked -- if the widget is "checked"
The following read-only properties are exposed :
molecule -- molecule
renderWidget -- render widget |
- Method resolution order:
- MoleculeThumbnailWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, mol, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
mainApp -- reference to the main window (default None)
if supplied, the Molecule menu is added
parser -- parser object (default None)
must be supplied if mainApp is not None
check_command -- called if the status of the check box is changed
(default None)
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class NavigationToolbar(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Manipulating camera of MoleculeRenderWidget.
The following public methods are exported :
save_camera_state() -- save the camera state to a dictionary
update_camera() -- update the camera state |
- Method resolution order:
- NavigationToolbar
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, renderWidget, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
renderWidget -- render widget to be manipulated
Keyword arguments :
orientation -- orientation for the toolbar
0 : horizontal
1 : vertical
(default 0)
- save_camera_state(self, camera_state=None)
- Save the camera camera state to a dictionary.
Keyword arguments :
camera_state -- the dictionary to save to (default None)
if None save to the internal dictionary
- update_camera(self, camera_state)
- Update the current camera.
Positional arguments :
camera_state -- dictionary with the camera state
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class PropertiesWidget(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame) |
Widget for showing text properties.
Each property is represented by one line with the name of the property
shown at the left and its value at the right.
The following public methods are exported :
add_line() -- add a new line
add_separator() -- add a separator |
- Method resolution order:
- PropertiesWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
title -- title at the top of the widget (default '')
width -- width in pixel (default 500)
height -- heigh in pixel (default 250)
- add_line(self, key, value)
- Add a new line.
Positional arguments :
key -- property name
value -- property value
- add_separator(self)
- Add a separator.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame:
- destroy(self)
- interior(self)
- reposition(self)
- # Set timer to call real reposition method, so that it is not
# called multiple times when many things are reconfigured at the
# same time.
- xview(self, mode=None, value=None, units=None)
- # Called when the user clicks in the horizontal scrollbar.
# Calculates new position of frame then calls reposition() to
# update the frame and the scrollbar.
- yview(self, mode=None, value=None, units=None)
- # Called when the user clicks in the vertical scrollbar.
# Calculates new position of frame then calls reposition() to
# update the frame and the scrollbar.
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget:
- after(this, *args, **kw)
- after_cancel(this, *args, **kw)
- after_idle(this, *args, **kw)
- bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- bell(this, *args, **kw)
- bind(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- bindtags(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_append(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- colormodel(this, *args, **kw)
- columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- config(this, *args, **kw)
- deletecommand(this, *args, **kw)
- event_add(this, *args, **kw)
- event_delete(this, *args, **kw)
- event_generate(this, *args, **kw)
- event_info(this, *args, **kw)
- focus(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_displayof(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_force(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_get(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_lastfor(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_set(this, *args, **kw)
- forget(this, *args, **kw)
- getboolean(this, *args, **kw)
- getvar(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_current(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_release(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set_global(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_status(this, *args, **kw)
- grid(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_info(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_location(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_remove(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_size(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- image_names(this, *args, **kw)
- image_types(this, *args, **kw)
- info(this, *args, **kw)
- keys(this, *args, **kw)
- lift(this, *args, **kw)
- lower(this, *args, **kw)
- mainloop(this, *args, **kw)
- nametowidget(this, *args, **kw)
- option_add(this, *args, **kw)
- option_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- option_get(this, *args, **kw)
- option_readfile(this, *args, **kw)
- pack(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_info(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- place(this, *args, **kw)
- place_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- place_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- place_info(this, *args, **kw)
- place_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- quit(this, *args, **kw)
- register(this, *args, **kw)
- rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_get(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_handle(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own_get(this, *args, **kw)
- send(this, *args, **kw)
- setvar(this, *args, **kw)
- size(this, *args, **kw)
- slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_bisque(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusNext(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusPrev(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_menuBar(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_setPalette(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_strictMotif(this, *args, **kw)
- tkraise(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- update(this, *args, **kw)
- update_idletasks(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_variable(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_visibility(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_window(this, *args, **kw)
- waitvar(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atom(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atomname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_cells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_children(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_class(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_colormapfull(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_containing(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_depth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_exists(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_fpixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_geometry(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_height(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_id(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_interps(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_ismapped(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_manager(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_name(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_parent(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pathname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerxy(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointery(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rgb(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screen(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screencells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screendepth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenvisual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_server(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_toplevel(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_viewable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualid(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualsavailable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_width(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_x(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_y(this, *args, **kw)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, option)
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- addoptions(self, optionDefs)
- cget(self, option)
- component(self, name)
- componentaliases(self)
- componentgroup(self, name)
- components(self)
- configure(self, option=None, **kw)
- createcomponent(self, componentName, componentAliases, componentGroup, widgetClass, *widgetArgs, **kw)
- createlabel(self, parent, childCols=1, childRows=1)
- defineoptions(self, keywords, optionDefs, dynamicGroups=())
- destroycomponent(self, name)
- hulldestroyed(self)
- initialiseoptions(self, dummy=None)
- isinitoption(self, option)
- options(self)
class SplashScreen(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Toplevel) |
Splash screen which can be shown during a long operation. |
- Method resolution order:
- SplashScreen
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Toplevel
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Wm
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, text, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
text -- text to be shown
Keyword arguments :
font -- font for rendering text
(default ('Helvetica', 12, 'bold'))
overrideredirect -- if True the splash will be ignored be the
window manager
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Wm:
- aspect = wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- attributes = wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- client = wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- colormapwindows = wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- command = wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- deiconify = wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- focusmodel = wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- frame = wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- geometry = wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- grid = wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- group = wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- iconbitmap = wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
- iconify = wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- iconmask = wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- iconname = wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- iconposition = wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- iconwindow = wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- maxsize = wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- minsize = wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- overrideredirect = wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- positionfrom = wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- protocol = wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- resizable = wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- sizefrom = wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- state = wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- title = wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- transient = wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- withdraw = wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
- wm_aspect(self, minNumer=None, minDenom=None, maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None)
- Instruct the window manager to set the aspect ratio (width/height)
of this widget to be between MINNUMER/MINDENOM and MAXNUMER/MAXDENOM. Return a tuple
of the actual values if no argument is given.
- wm_attributes(self, *args)
- This subcommand returns or sets platform specific attributes
The first form returns a list of the platform specific flags and
their values. The second form returns the value for the specific
option. The third form sets one or more of the values. The values
are as follows:
On Windows, -disabled gets or sets whether the window is in a
disabled state. -toolwindow gets or sets the style of the window
to toolwindow (as defined in the MSDN). -topmost gets or sets
whether this is a topmost window (displays above all other
On Macintosh, XXXXX
On Unix, there are currently no special attribute values.
- wm_client(self, name=None)
- Store NAME in WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property of this widget. Return
current value.
- wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist)
- Store list of window names (WLIST) into WM_COLORMAPWINDOWS property
of this widget. This list contains windows whose colormaps differ from their
parents. Return current list of widgets if WLIST is empty.
- wm_command(self, value=None)
- Store VALUE in WM_COMMAND property. It is the command
which shall be used to invoke the application. Return current
command if VALUE is None.
- wm_deiconify(self)
- Deiconify this widget. If it was never mapped it will not be mapped.
On Windows it will raise this widget and give it the focus.
- wm_focusmodel(self, model=None)
- Set focus model to MODEL. "active" means that this widget will claim
the focus itself, "passive" means that the window manager shall give
the focus. Return current focus model if MODEL is None.
- wm_frame(self)
- Return identifier for decorative frame of this widget if present.
- wm_geometry(self, newGeometry=None)
- Set geometry to NEWGEOMETRY of the form =widthxheight+x+y. Return
current value if None is given.
- wm_grid(self, baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None, widthInc=None, heightInc=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the width and
height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are the
number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
- wm_group(self, pathName=None)
- Set the group leader widgets for related widgets to PATHNAME. Return
the group leader of this widget if None is given.
- wm_iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None)
- Set bitmap for the iconified widget to BITMAP. Return
the bitmap if None is given.
- wm_iconify(self)
- Display widget as icon.
- wm_iconmask(self, bitmap=None)
- Set mask for the icon bitmap of this widget. Return the
mask if None is given.
- wm_iconname(self, newName=None)
- Set the name of the icon for this widget. Return the name if
None is given.
- wm_iconposition(self, x=None, y=None)
- Set the position of the icon of this widget to X and Y. Return
a tuple of the current values of X and X if None is given.
- wm_iconwindow(self, pathName=None)
- Set widget PATHNAME to be displayed instead of icon. Return the current
value if None is given.
- wm_maxsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set max WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_minsize(self, width=None, height=None)
- Set min WIDTH and HEIGHT for this widget. If the window is gridded
the values are given in grid units. Return the current values if None
is given.
- wm_overrideredirect(self, boolean=None)
- Instruct the window manager to ignore this widget
if BOOLEAN is given with 1. Return the current value if None
is given.
- wm_positionfrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the position of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_protocol(self, name=None, func=None)
- Bind function FUNC to command NAME for this widget.
Return the function bound to NAME if None is given. NAME could be
- wm_resizable(self, width=None, height=None)
- Instruct the window manager whether this width can be resized
in WIDTH or HEIGHT. Both values are boolean values.
- wm_sizefrom(self, who=None)
- Instruct the window manager that the size of this widget shall
be defined by the user if WHO is "user", and by its own policy if WHO is
- wm_state(self, newstate=None)
- Query or set the state of this widget as one of normal, icon,
iconic (see wm_iconwindow), withdrawn, or zoomed (Windows only).
- wm_title(self, string=None)
- Set the title of this widget.
- wm_transient(self, master=None)
- Instruct the window manager that this widget is transient
with regard to widget MASTER.
- wm_withdraw(self)
- Withdraw this widget from the screen such that it is unmapped
and forgotten by the window manager. Re-draw it with wm_deiconify.
class TwoDCircles(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Canvas) |
Canvas for rendering matrices such as e.g. GCMs, overlaps or similarities.
The widget is based on Tkinter.Canvas.
The following public methods are exported :
update() -- update the canvas
mark_rect_ij() -- mark a rectangle on the canvas |
- Method resolution order:
- TwoDCircles
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Canvas
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
All arrays supplied in the keyword arguments must be one-based ndarrays.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
data -- matrix with numeric values (default None)
mode -- how to render the matrix
one of (resources.NUM_MODE_WHOLE,
(default resources.NUM_MODE_WHOLE)
sumup_diag -- whether to sum the elements in the upper- or
lowerhalf mode (default False)
type -- whether the square or the diameters of the circles
are proportional to the values
labels_on -- render the labels (default True)
labels1_cols -- first column headers (default None)
labels2_cols -- second column headers (default None)
labels1_rows -- first row headers (default None)
labels2_cols -- second row headers (default None)
bbox_on -- whether to render the bounding box around the
circles (default False)
font_labels1 -- font for the headers1
(default resources.FONT_TWODCIRCLES_LABEL1)
font_labels2 -- font for the headers2
(default resources.FONT_TWODCIRCLES_LABEL2)
color_positive -- filling color for positive values (default 'black')
color_negative -- filling color for negative values (default 'white')
color_rect -- color of the bounding rectangles (default 'black')
scale_factor -- number for the radii of the circles (default 1.0)
max_circlewidth -- maximum width of the bounding box of a circle
in pixel (default 30)
indent -- indent from the upper left corner of the canvas
(default 5)
text_padding -- padding with a label box (default 15)
full_circle -- value of a completely filled circle (default 1.0)
color_highlight -- highlighting color for a selected pair
(default 'red')
ndigits -- show numbers under 10**(-ndigits) in the
message bar as 0 (default None)
if None, show the number is a scientific notation
msgBar -- message bar for messages (default None)
dblclick_callback -- called on a double click (default None)
mouse_motion_callback -- called when the mouse enters the canvas
(args : i j) (default None)
mouse_leave_callback -- called when the mouse leaves the canvas (no args)
- mark_rect_ij(self, ij, mark=True)
- Mark/unmark a rectangle.
Positional arguments :
ij -- identifier of the rectangle
Keyword arguments :
mark -- whether to mark (default True)
- update(self, **kw)
- Update the canvas.
See the constructor __init__() for the keyword arguments.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Canvas:
- addtag(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- addtag_above(self, newtag, tagOrId)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items above TAGORID.
- addtag_all(self, newtag)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items.
- addtag_below(self, newtag, tagOrId)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items below TAGORID.
- addtag_closest(self, newtag, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- Add tag NEWTAG to item which is closest to pixel at X, Y.
If several match take the top-most.
All items closer than HALO are considered overlapping (all are
closests). If START is specified the next below this tag is taken.
- addtag_enclosed(self, newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items in the rectangle defined
by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- addtag_overlapping(self, newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items which overlap the rectangle
defined by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- addtag_withtag(self, newtag, tagOrId)
- Add tag NEWTAG to all items with TAGORID.
- bbox(self, *args)
- Return a tuple of X1,Y1,X2,Y2 coordinates for a rectangle
which encloses all items with tags specified as arguments.
- canvasx(self, screenx, gridspacing=None)
- Return the canvas x coordinate of pixel position SCREENX rounded
to nearest multiple of GRIDSPACING units.
- canvasy(self, screeny, gridspacing=None)
- Return the canvas y coordinate of pixel position SCREENY rounded
to nearest multiple of GRIDSPACING units.
- coords(self, *args)
- Return a list of coordinates for the item given in ARGS.
- create_arc(self, *args, **kw)
- Create arc shaped region with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- create_bitmap(self, *args, **kw)
- Create bitmap with coordinates x1,y1.
- create_image(self, *args, **kw)
- Create image item with coordinates x1,y1.
- create_line(self, *args, **kw)
- Create line with coordinates x1,y1,...,xn,yn.
- create_oval(self, *args, **kw)
- Create oval with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- create_polygon(self, *args, **kw)
- Create polygon with coordinates x1,y1,...,xn,yn.
- create_rectangle(self, *args, **kw)
- Create rectangle with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- create_text(self, *args, **kw)
- Create text with coordinates x1,y1.
- create_window(self, *args, **kw)
- Create window with coordinates x1,y1,x2,y2.
- dchars(self, *args)
- Delete characters of text items identified by tag or id in ARGS (possibly
several times) from FIRST to LAST character (including).
- delete(self, *args)
- Delete items identified by all tag or ids contained in ARGS.
- dtag(self, *args)
- Delete tag or id given as last arguments in ARGS from items
identified by first argument in ARGS.
- find(self, *args)
- Internal function.
- find_above(self, tagOrId)
- Return items above TAGORID.
- find_all(self)
- Return all items.
- find_below(self, tagOrId)
- Return all items below TAGORID.
- find_closest(self, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- Return item which is closest to pixel at X, Y.
If several match take the top-most.
All items closer than HALO are considered overlapping (all are
closests). If START is specified the next below this tag is taken.
- find_enclosed(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Return all items in rectangle defined
by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- find_overlapping(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- Return all items which overlap the rectangle
defined by X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
- find_withtag(self, tagOrId)
- Return all items with TAGORID.
- focus(self, *args)
- Set focus to the first item specified in ARGS.
- gettags(self, *args)
- Return tags associated with the first item specified in ARGS.
- icursor(self, *args)
- Set cursor at position POS in the item identified by TAGORID.
In ARGS TAGORID must be first.
- index(self, *args)
- Return position of cursor as integer in item specified in ARGS.
- insert(self, *args)
- Insert TEXT in item TAGORID at position POS. ARGS must
- itemcget(self, tagOrId, option)
- Return the resource value for an OPTION for item TAGORID.
- itemconfig = itemconfigure(self, tagOrId, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of an item TAGORID.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method without arguments.
- itemconfigure(self, tagOrId, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of an item TAGORID.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method without arguments.
- lift = tag_raise(self, *args)
- Raise an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional above another item).
- lower = tag_lower(self, *args)
- Lower an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional below another item).
- move(self, *args)
- Move an item TAGORID given in ARGS.
- postscript(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Print the contents of the canvas to a postscript
file. Valid options: colormap, colormode, file, fontmap,
height, pageanchor, pageheight, pagewidth, pagex, pagey,
rotate, witdh, x, y.
- scale(self, *args)
- scan_dragto(self, x, y, gain=10)
- Adjust the view of the canvas to GAIN times the
difference between X and Y and the coordinates given in
- scan_mark(self, x, y)
- Remember the current X, Y coordinates.
- select_adjust(self, tagOrId, index)
- Adjust the end of the selection near the cursor of an item TAGORID to index.
- select_clear(self)
- Clear the selection if it is in this widget.
- select_from(self, tagOrId, index)
- Set the fixed end of a selection in item TAGORID to INDEX.
- select_item(self)
- Return the item which has the selection.
- select_to(self, tagOrId, index)
- Set the variable end of a selection in item TAGORID to INDEX.
- tag_bind(self, tagOrId, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all items with TAGORID at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or whether it will
replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- tag_lower(self, *args)
- Lower an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional below another item).
- tag_raise(self, *args)
- Raise an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional above another item).
- tag_unbind(self, tagOrId, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for all items with TAGORID for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- tkraise = tag_raise(self, *args)
- Raise an item TAGORID given in ARGS
(optional above another item).
- type(self, tagOrId)
- Return the type of the item TAGORID.
- xview(self, *args)
- Query and change horizontal position of the view.
- xview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total width of the canvas is off-screen to the left.
- xview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the x-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units" or "pages" (WHAT).
- yview(self, *args)
- Query and change vertical position of the view.
- yview_moveto(self, fraction)
- Adjusts the view in the window so that FRACTION of the
total height of the canvas is off-screen to the top.
- yview_scroll(self, number, what)
- Shift the y-view according to NUMBER which is measured in "units" or "pages" (WHAT).
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class VibNavigationFrame(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Frame for navigating through vibrations.
Component of VibrationalToolbar.
The following readable and writable property is exposed :
vib_no -- number of the current vibration
The following public method is exported :
enable_controls() -- enable / disable the controls |
- Method resolution order:
- VibNavigationFrame
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, freqs, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
freqs -- wavenumbers (one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + NFreq,) with NFreq being the number of
Keyword arguments :
changed_callback -- callable (default None)
accepts one argument being the number of vibration
- enable_controls(self, enable_)
- Enable / disable the controls.
Positional arguments :
enable_ -- whether the controls are to be enabled.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class VibrationalToolbar(BaseWidget, _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame) |
Widget for navigating through vibrations.
The widget is based on Pmw.ScrolledFrame.
The following read-only properties are exposed :
mode -- sphere, arrow, animation or structure
rep_type -- cartesian or mass-weighted excursions
rep_subtype -- representation subtype
invert_phase -- whether the phase is to be inverted
scale factor -- factor for the amplitude of vibrational motion
The following readable and writable properties are exposed :
vib_no -- number of the current vibration
The following public methods are exported :
go_backward() -- go one vibration backward
go_forward() -- go one vibration forward
go_first() -- go to the first vibration
go_last() -- go to the last vibration
increase_scale_factor() -- increase the scale factor
decrease_scale_factor() -- decrease the scale factor |
- Method resolution order:
- VibrationalToolbar
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget
- _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
The size of the toolbar is hardcoded to be 1000x105.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
freqs -- wavenumbers of the vibrations (one-based ndarray)
shape : (1 + NFreq, ) with NFreq being the number of
render_callback -- called if a vibration is to rendered (default None)
the callable does not require any arguments.
- decrease_scale_factor(self, *dummy)
- Decrease the scale factor.
- go_backward(self, *dummy)
- Go one vibration back.
- go_first(self)
- Go to the first vibration.
- go_forward(self, *dummy)
- Go one vibration forward.
- go_last(self)
- Go to the last vibration.
- increase_scale_factor(self, *dummy)
- Increase the scale factor.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwScrolledFrame.ScrolledFrame:
- destroy(self)
- interior(self)
- reposition(self)
- # Set timer to call real reposition method, so that it is not
# called multiple times when many things are reconfigured at the
# same time.
- xview(self, mode=None, value=None, units=None)
- # Called when the user clicks in the horizontal scrollbar.
# Calculates new position of frame then calls reposition() to
# update the frame and the scrollbar.
- yview(self, mode=None, value=None, units=None)
- # Called when the user clicks in the vertical scrollbar.
# Calculates new position of frame then calls reposition() to
# update the frame and the scrollbar.
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaWidget:
- after(this, *args, **kw)
- after_cancel(this, *args, **kw)
- after_idle(this, *args, **kw)
- bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- bell(this, *args, **kw)
- bind(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- bind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- bindtags(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_append(this, *args, **kw)
- clipboard_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- colormodel(this, *args, **kw)
- columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- config(this, *args, **kw)
- deletecommand(this, *args, **kw)
- event_add(this, *args, **kw)
- event_delete(this, *args, **kw)
- event_generate(this, *args, **kw)
- event_info(this, *args, **kw)
- focus(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_displayof(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_force(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_get(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_lastfor(this, *args, **kw)
- focus_set(this, *args, **kw)
- forget(this, *args, **kw)
- getboolean(this, *args, **kw)
- getvar(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_current(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_release(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_set_global(this, *args, **kw)
- grab_status(this, *args, **kw)
- grid(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_bbox(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_columnconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_info(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_location(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_remove(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_size(this, *args, **kw)
- grid_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- image_names(this, *args, **kw)
- image_types(this, *args, **kw)
- info(this, *args, **kw)
- keys(this, *args, **kw)
- lift(this, *args, **kw)
- lower(this, *args, **kw)
- mainloop(this, *args, **kw)
- nametowidget(this, *args, **kw)
- option_add(this, *args, **kw)
- option_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- option_get(this, *args, **kw)
- option_readfile(this, *args, **kw)
- pack(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_info(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- pack_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- place(this, *args, **kw)
- place_configure(this, *args, **kw)
- place_forget(this, *args, **kw)
- place_info(this, *args, **kw)
- place_slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- propagate(this, *args, **kw)
- quit(this, *args, **kw)
- register(this, *args, **kw)
- rowconfigure(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_clear(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_get(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_handle(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own(this, *args, **kw)
- selection_own_get(this, *args, **kw)
- send(this, *args, **kw)
- setvar(this, *args, **kw)
- size(this, *args, **kw)
- slaves(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_bisque(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusNext(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_focusPrev(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_menuBar(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_setPalette(this, *args, **kw)
- tk_strictMotif(this, *args, **kw)
- tkraise(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_all(this, *args, **kw)
- unbind_class(this, *args, **kw)
- update(this, *args, **kw)
- update_idletasks(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_variable(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_visibility(this, *args, **kw)
- wait_window(this, *args, **kw)
- waitvar(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atom(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_atomname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_cells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_children(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_class(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_colormapfull(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_containing(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_depth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_exists(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_fpixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_geometry(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_height(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_id(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_interps(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_ismapped(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_manager(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_name(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_parent(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pathname(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pixels(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointerxy(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_pointery(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_reqwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rgb(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_rooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screen(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screencells(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screendepth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenmmwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenvisual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_screenwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_server(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_toplevel(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_viewable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visual(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualid(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_visualsavailable(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootheight(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootwidth(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrootx(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_vrooty(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_width(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_x(this, *args, **kw)
- winfo_y(this, *args, **kw)
Methods inherited from _Pmw.Pmw_1_2.lib.PmwBase.MegaArchetype:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, option)
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- addoptions(self, optionDefs)
- cget(self, option)
- component(self, name)
- componentaliases(self)
- componentgroup(self, name)
- components(self)
- configure(self, option=None, **kw)
- createcomponent(self, componentName, componentAliases, componentGroup, widgetClass, *widgetArgs, **kw)
- createlabel(self, parent, childCols=1, childRows=1)
- defineoptions(self, keywords, optionDefs, dynamicGroups=())
- destroycomponent(self, name)
- hulldestroyed(self)
- initialiseoptions(self, dummy=None)
- isinitoption(self, option)
- options(self)
class VibrationalToolbarLight(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Like VibrationalToolbar but for exploring single vibration.
Supports also marking of vibrational motion on a fragment.
The following readable and writable properties are exposed :
vib_no -- number of the vibration
rep_type -- cartesian or mass-weighted excursions
rep_subtype -- representation subtype
invert_phase -- whether the phase is to be inverted
sync_toolbar -- VibrationalToolbarLight to synchronize with
The following properties are exposed uf fragment_controls=True was supplied
in the constructor of the class :
mark_fragment -- fragment to be marked
show_marked_only -- show vibrational motion only on the fragment
The following public methods are exported :
increase_scale_factor() -- increase the scale factor
decrease_scale_factor() -- decrease the scale factor |
- Method resolution order:
- VibrationalToolbarLight
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
rep_type -- cartesian or mass-weighted excursions
one of (resources.STRING_VIB_ENERGY,
(no default)
rep_subtype -- representation subtype
(no default)
scale_factor -- multiply factor for the amplitude of
vibrational motion
(no default)
invert_phase -- whether the phase of the vibration is to be inverted
(no default)
fragment_controls -- whether to create the controls for marking fragment
(default True)
mark_fragment -- whether to mark vibrational motion of a fragment
(default False)
show_marked_only -- whether to show vibrational motion on a fragment only
(default False)
show_gcm -- whether to show the Raman/ROA generation button
(default False)
sync_toolbar -- VibrationalToolbarLight to synchronize with
(default None)
invert_roa -- whether to invert the sign of ROA (default False)
- decrease_scale_factor(self, *dummy)
- Decrease the scale factor.
- increase_scale_factor(self, *dummy)
- Increase the scale factor.
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class WindowNavigationToolbar(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Toolbar for switching between windows.
Can have a home and back buttons. |
- Method resolution order:
- WindowNavigationToolbar
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
mainApp -- reference to the main window of PyVib2
(pyviblib.gui.main.Main, default None)
backbutton -- whether to create a back button (default False)
homebutton -- whether to create a home button (default False)
backbutton_command -- command for the back button (default None)
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
class WizardWidget(BaseWidget, Tkinter.Frame) |
Wizard widget.
The following read-only properties are exposed :
notebook -- encapsulated internal notebook
buttonbox -- Back and Next buttons |
- Method resolution order:
- WizardWidget
- BaseWidget
- __builtin__.object
- Tkinter.Frame
- Tkinter.Widget
- Tkinter.BaseWidget
- Tkinter.Misc
- Tkinter.Pack
- Tkinter.Place
- Tkinter.Grid
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, master, **kw)
- Constructor of the class.
Positional arguments :
master -- parent widget
Keyword arguments :
back_command -- command for the Back button (default None)
next_command -- command for the Next button (default None)
Data and other attributes inherited from BaseWidget:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BaseWidget' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from Tkinter.BaseWidget:
- destroy(self)
- Destroy this and all descendants widgets.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- __getitem__ = cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- __setitem__(self, key, value)
- after(self, ms, func=None, *args)
- Call function once after given time.
MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
function which shall be called. Additional parameters
are given as parameters to the function call. Return
identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel.
- after_cancel(self, id)
- Cancel scheduling of function identified with ID.
Identifier returned by after or after_idle must be
given as first parameter.
- after_idle(self, func, *args)
- Call FUNC once if the Tcl main loop has no event to
Return an identifier to cancel the scheduling with
- bbox = grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- bell(self, displayof=0)
- Ring a display's bell.
- bind(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to this widget at event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
SEQUENCE is a string of concatenated event
patterns. An event pattern is of the form
of Control, Mod2, M2, Shift, Mod3, M3, Lock, Mod4, M4,
Button1, B1, Mod5, M5 Button2, B2, Meta, M, Button3,
B3, Alt, Button4, B4, Double, Button5, B5 Triple,
Mod1, M1. TYPE is one of Activate, Enter, Map,
ButtonPress, Button, Expose, Motion, ButtonRelease
FocusIn, MouseWheel, Circulate, FocusOut, Property,
Colormap, Gravity Reparent, Configure, KeyPress, Key,
Unmap, Deactivate, KeyRelease Visibility, Destroy,
Leave and DETAIL is the button number for ButtonPress,
ButtonRelease and DETAIL is the Keysym for KeyPress and
KeyRelease. Examples are
<Control-Button-1> for pressing Control and mouse button 1 or
<Alt-A> for pressing A and the Alt key (KeyPress can be omitted).
An event pattern can also be a virtual event of the form
<<AString>> where AString can be arbitrary. This
event can be generated by event_generate.
If events are concatenated they must appear shortly
after each other.
FUNC will be called if the event sequence occurs with an
instance of Event as argument. If the return value of FUNC is
"break" no further bound function is invoked.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function.
Bind will return an identifier to allow deletion of the bound function with
unbind without memory leak.
If FUNC or SEQUENCE is omitted the bound function or list
of bound events are returned.
- bind_all(self, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to all widgets at an event SEQUENCE a call to function FUNC.
An additional boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will
be called additionally to the other bound function or whether
it will replace the previous function. See bind for the return value.
- bind_class(self, className, sequence=None, func=None, add=None)
- Bind to widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME at event
SEQUENCE a call of function FUNC. An additional
boolean parameter ADD specifies whether FUNC will be
called additionally to the other bound function or
whether it will replace the previous function. See bind for
the return value.
- bindtags(self, tagList=None)
- Set or get the list of bindtags for this widget.
With no argument return the list of all bindtags associated with
this widget. With a list of strings as argument the bindtags are
set to this list. The bindtags determine in which order events are
processed (see bind).
- cget(self, key)
- Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.
- clipboard_append(self, string, **kw)
- Append STRING to the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified at the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display. The clipboard
can be retrieved with selection_get.
- clipboard_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the data in the Tk clipboard.
A widget specified for the optional displayof keyword
argument specifies the target display.
- colormodel(self, value=None)
- Useless. Not implemented in Tk.
- columnconfigure = grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- configure(self, cnf=None, **kw)
- Configure resources of a widget.
The values for resources are specified as keyword
arguments. To get an overview about
the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.
- deletecommand(self, name)
- Internal function.
Delete the Tcl command provided in NAME.
- event_add(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Bind a virtual event VIRTUAL (of the form <<Name>>)
to an event SEQUENCE such that the virtual event is triggered
whenever SEQUENCE occurs.
- event_delete(self, virtual, *sequences)
- Unbind a virtual event VIRTUAL from SEQUENCE.
- event_generate(self, sequence, **kw)
- Generate an event SEQUENCE. Additional
keyword arguments specify parameter of the event
(e.g. x, y, rootx, rooty).
- event_info(self, virtual=None)
- Return a list of all virtual events or the information
about the SEQUENCE bound to the virtual event VIRTUAL.
- focus = focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- focus_displayof(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus on the
display where this widget is located.
Return None if the application does not have the focus.
- focus_force(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget even if the
application does not have the focus. Use with
- focus_get(self)
- Return the widget which has currently the focus in the
Use focus_displayof to allow working with several
displays. Return None if application does not have
the focus.
- focus_lastfor(self)
- Return the widget which would have the focus if top level
for this widget gets the focus from the window manager.
- focus_set(self)
- Direct input focus to this widget.
If the application currently does not have the focus
this widget will get the focus if the application gets
the focus through the window manager.
- getboolean(self, s)
- Return a boolean value for Tcl boolean values true and false given as parameter.
- getvar(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Return value of Tcl variable NAME.
- grab_current(self)
- Return widget which has currently the grab in this application
or None.
- grab_release(self)
- Release grab for this widget if currently set.
- grab_set(self)
- Set grab for this widget.
A grab directs all events to this and descendant
widgets in the application.
- grab_set_global(self)
- Set global grab for this widget.
A global grab directs all events to this and
descendant widgets on the display. Use with caution -
other applications do not get events anymore.
- grab_status(self)
- Return None, "local" or "global" if this widget has
no, a local or a global grab.
- grid_bbox(self, column=None, row=None, col2=None, row2=None)
- Return a tuple of integer coordinates for the bounding
box of this widget controlled by the geometry manager grid.
If COLUMN, ROW is given the bounding box applies from
the cell with row and column 0 to the specified
cell. If COL2 and ROW2 are given the bounding box
starts at that cell.
The returned integers specify the offset of the upper left
corner in the master widget and the width and height.
- grid_columnconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure column INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the column),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this column)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
- grid_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given, the current setting will be returned.
- grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- grid_slaves(self, row=None, column=None)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- image_names(self)
- Return a list of all existing image names.
- image_types(self)
- Return a list of all available image types (e.g. phote bitmap).
- keys(self)
- Return a list of all resource names of this widget.
- lift = tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- lower(self, belowThis=None)
- Lower this widget in the stacking order.
- mainloop(self, n=0)
- Call the mainloop of Tk.
- nametowidget(self, name)
- Return the Tkinter instance of a widget identified by
its Tcl name NAME.
- option_add(self, pattern, value, priority=None)
- Set a VALUE (second parameter) for an option
PATTERN (first parameter).
An optional third parameter gives the numeric priority
(defaults to 80).
- option_clear(self)
- Clear the option database.
It will be reloaded if option_add is called.
- option_get(self, name, className)
- Return the value for an option NAME for this widget
Values with higher priority override lower values.
- option_readfile(self, fileName, priority=None)
- Read file FILENAME into the option database.
An optional second parameter gives the numeric
- pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- place_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- propagate = pack_propagate(self, flag=['_noarg_'])
- Set or get the status for propagation of geometry information.
A boolean argument specifies whether the geometry information
of the slaves will determine the size of this widget. If no argument
is given the current setting will be returned.
- quit(self)
- Quit the Tcl interpreter. All widgets will be destroyed.
- register = _register(self, func, subst=None, needcleanup=1)
- Return a newly created Tcl function. If this
function is called, the Python function FUNC will
be executed. An optional function SUBST can
be given which will be executed before FUNC.
- rowconfigure = grid_rowconfigure(self, index, cnf={}, **kw)
- Configure row INDEX of a grid.
Valid resources are minsize (minimum size of the row),
weight (how much does additional space propagate to this row)
and pad (how much space to let additionally).
- selection_clear(self, **kw)
- Clear the current X selection.
- selection_get(self, **kw)
- Return the contents of the current X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection and defaults to PRIMARY. A keyword
parameter displayof specifies a widget on the display
to use.
- selection_handle(self, command, **kw)
- Specify a function COMMAND to call if the X
selection owned by this widget is queried by another
This function must return the contents of the
selection. The function will be called with the
arguments OFFSET and LENGTH which allows the chunking
of very long selections. The following keyword
parameters can be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- selection_own(self, **kw)
- Become owner of X selection.
A keyword parameter selection specifies the name of
the selection (default PRIMARY).
- selection_own_get(self, **kw)
- Return owner of X selection.
The following keyword parameter can
be provided:
selection - name of the selection (default PRIMARY),
type - type of the selection (e.g. STRING, FILE_NAME).
- send(self, interp, cmd, *args)
- Send Tcl command CMD to different interpreter INTERP to be executed.
- setvar(self, name='PY_VAR', value='1')
- Set Tcl variable NAME to VALUE.
- size = grid_size(self)
- Return a tuple of the number of column and rows in the grid.
- slaves = pack_slaves(self)
- Return a list of all slaves of this widget
in its packing order.
- tk_bisque(self)
- Change the color scheme to light brown as used in Tk 3.6 and before.
- tk_focusFollowsMouse(self)
- The widget under mouse will get automatically focus. Can not
be disabled easily.
- tk_focusNext(self)
- Return the next widget in the focus order which follows
widget which has currently the focus.
The focus order first goes to the next child, then to
the children of the child recursively and then to the
next sibling which is higher in the stacking order. A
widget is omitted if it has the takefocus resource set
to 0.
- tk_focusPrev(self)
- Return previous widget in the focus order. See tk_focusNext for details.
- tk_menuBar(self, *args)
- Do not use. Needed in Tk 3.6 and earlier.
- tk_setPalette(self, *args, **kw)
- Set a new color scheme for all widget elements.
A single color as argument will cause that all colors of Tk
widget elements are derived from this.
Alternatively several keyword parameters and its associated
colors can be given. The following keywords are valid:
activeBackground, foreground, selectColor,
activeForeground, highlightBackground, selectBackground,
background, highlightColor, selectForeground,
disabledForeground, insertBackground, troughColor.
- tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None)
- Set Tcl internal variable, whether the look and feel
should adhere to Motif.
A parameter of 1 means adhere to Motif (e.g. no color
change if mouse passes over slider).
Returns the set value.
- tkraise(self, aboveThis=None)
- Raise this widget in the stacking order.
- unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None)
- Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE the
function identified with FUNCID.
- unbind_all(self, sequence)
- Unbind for all widgets for event SEQUENCE all functions.
- unbind_class(self, className, sequence)
- Unbind for a all widgets with bindtag CLASSNAME for event SEQUENCE
all functions.
- update(self)
- Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by Tcl.
- update_idletasks(self)
- Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
the user.
- wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- wait_visibility(self, window=None)
- Wait until the visibility of a WIDGET changes
(e.g. it appears).
If no parameter is given self is used.
- wait_window(self, window=None)
- Wait until a WIDGET is destroyed.
If no parameter is given self is used.
- waitvar = wait_variable(self, name='PY_VAR')
- Wait until the variable is modified.
A parameter of type IntVar, StringVar, DoubleVar or
BooleanVar must be given.
- winfo_atom(self, name, displayof=0)
- Return integer which represents atom NAME.
- winfo_atomname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return name of atom with identifier ID.
- winfo_cells(self)
- Return number of cells in the colormap for this widget.
- winfo_children(self)
- Return a list of all widgets which are children of this widget.
- winfo_class(self)
- Return window class name of this widget.
- winfo_colormapfull(self)
- Return true if at the last color request the colormap was full.
- winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY, displayof=0)
- Return the widget which is at the root coordinates ROOTX, ROOTY.
- winfo_depth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel.
- winfo_exists(self)
- Return true if this widget exists.
- winfo_fpixels(self, number)
- Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER
(e.g. "3c") as float.
- winfo_geometry(self)
- Return geometry string for this widget in the form "widthxheight+X+Y".
- winfo_height(self)
- Return height of this widget.
- winfo_id(self)
- Return identifier ID for this widget.
- winfo_interps(self, displayof=0)
- Return the name of all Tcl interpreters for this display.
- winfo_ismapped(self)
- Return true if this widget is mapped.
- winfo_manager(self)
- Return the window mananger name for this widget.
- winfo_name(self)
- Return the name of this widget.
- winfo_parent(self)
- Return the name of the parent of this widget.
- winfo_pathname(self, id, displayof=0)
- Return the pathname of the widget given by ID.
- winfo_pixels(self, number)
- Rounded integer value of winfo_fpixels.
- winfo_pointerx(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointerxy(self)
- Return a tuple of x and y coordinates of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_pointery(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the pointer on the root window.
- winfo_reqheight(self)
- Return requested height of this widget.
- winfo_reqwidth(self)
- Return requested width of this widget.
- winfo_rgb(self, color)
- Return tuple of decimal values for red, green, blue for
COLOR in this widget.
- winfo_rootx(self)
- Return x coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_rooty(self)
- Return y coordinate of upper left corner of this widget on the
root window.
- winfo_screen(self)
- Return the screen name of this widget.
- winfo_screencells(self)
- Return the number of the cells in the colormap of the screen
of this widget.
- winfo_screendepth(self)
- Return the number of bits per pixel of the root window of the
screen of this widget.
- winfo_screenheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of this widget
in pixel.
- winfo_screenmmheight(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the height of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenmmwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in mm.
- winfo_screenvisual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the default
colormodel of this screen.
- winfo_screenwidth(self)
- Return the number of pixels of the width of the screen of
this widget in pixel.
- winfo_server(self)
- Return information of the X-Server of the screen of this widget in
the form "XmajorRminor vendor vendorVersion".
- winfo_toplevel(self)
- Return the toplevel widget of this widget.
- winfo_viewable(self)
- Return true if the widget and all its higher ancestors are mapped.
- winfo_visual(self)
- Return one of the strings directcolor, grayscale, pseudocolor,
staticcolor, staticgray, or truecolor for the
colormodel of this widget.
- winfo_visualid(self)
- Return the X identifier for the visual for this widget.
- winfo_visualsavailable(self, includeids=0)
- Return a list of all visuals available for the screen
of this widget.
Each item in the list consists of a visual name (see winfo_visual), a
depth and if INCLUDEIDS=1 is given also the X identifier.
- winfo_vrootheight(self)
- Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixels. If there is no virtual root window return the
height of the screen.
- winfo_vrootwidth(self)
- Return the width of the virtual root window associated with this
widget in pixel. If there is no virtual root window return the
width of the screen.
- winfo_vrootx(self)
- Return the x offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_vrooty(self)
- Return the y offset of the virtual root relative to the root
window of the screen of this widget.
- winfo_width(self)
- Return the width of this widget.
- winfo_x(self)
- Return the x coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
- winfo_y(self)
- Return the y coordinate of the upper left corner of this widget
in the parent.
Data and other attributes inherited from Tkinter.Misc:
- getdouble = <type 'float'>
- float(x) -> floating point number
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
- getint = <type 'int'>
- int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If the argument is outside the integer range a long object
will be returned instead.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Pack:
- forget = pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- info = pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
- pack = pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Pack a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
after=widget - pack it after you have packed widget
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position widget according to
given direction
before=widget - pack it before you will pack widget
expand=bool - expand widget if parent size grows
fill=NONE or X or Y or BOTH - fill widget if widget grows
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
side=TOP or BOTTOM or LEFT or RIGHT - where to add this widget.
- pack_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget and do not use it for the packing order.
- pack_info(self)
- Return information about the packing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Place:
- place = place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Place a widget in the parent widget. Use as options:
in=master - master relative to which the widget is placed.
x=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position x of master
y=amount - locate anchor of this widget at position y of master
relx=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is right edge)
rely=amount - locate anchor of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is bottom edge)
anchor=NSEW (or subset) - position anchor according to given direction
width=amount - width of this widget in pixel
height=amount - height of this widget in pixel
relwidth=amount - width of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to width of master (1.0 is the same width
as the master)
relheight=amount - height of this widget between 0.0 and 1.0
relative to height of master (1.0 is the same
height as the master)
bordermode="inside" or "outside" - whether to take border width of master widget
into account
- place_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- place_info(self)
- Return information about the placing options
for this widget.
Methods inherited from Tkinter.Grid:
- grid = grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_configure(self, cnf={}, **kw)
- Position a widget in the parent widget in a grid. Use as options:
column=number - use cell identified with given column (starting with 0)
columnspan=number - this widget will span several columns
in=master - use master to contain this widget
ipadx=amount - add internal padding in x direction
ipady=amount - add internal padding in y direction
padx=amount - add padding in x direction
pady=amount - add padding in y direction
row=number - use cell identified with given row (starting with 0)
rowspan=number - this widget will span several rows
sticky=NSEW - if cell is larger on which sides will this
widget stick to the cell boundary
- grid_forget(self)
- Unmap this widget.
- grid_info(self)
- Return information about the options
for positioning this widget in a grid.
- grid_remove(self)
- Unmap this widget but remember the grid options.
- location = grid_location(self, x, y)
- Return a tuple of column and row which identify the cell
at which the pixel at position X and Y inside the master
widget is located.
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